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What is Adventure Tourism?

Adventure tourism is defined as the movement of the people from one to another place outside their comfort zone for exploration or travel to remote areas, exotic and possibly hostile areas. Adventure tourism is a type of tourism in which tourist do some adventure activities such as skydiving, hill climbing, scuba diving.


The adventure industry is not just about adventure tourism or recreation. There is also outdoor education, adventure therapy, and experience facilitation.

What are the Economic benefits of Adventure Tourism in South Africa?

The outdoor and adventure industry plays an important role in the South African economy, in that it: 


o Contributed R 173 billion directly, and R 346 billion indirectly to SA’s GDP (7% of SA’s GDP) 

o Created 716 891 direct and 1,2 million indirect jobs (1 in 10 people in SA work in this industry). 

o Contributed R 86,5 billion in tax revenue in SARS. 

o Contributed 17,500 peer-reviewed academic studies that affirm that outdoor and adventure learning is critical to human development. 

Work in the Adventure Industry.

An outdoor adventure leader instructs and guides individuals and groups undertaking adventure activities in a variety of outdoor locations. Activities may include outdoor education and recreation, bicycle touring, bushwalking, canoeing, caving, cross-country skiing, horse trekking, rafting, rock climbing and sailing.


Here is everything you need to know to get started in your adventure industry career.

What is an Adventure Guide?

Adventure Guides, as described by the National Department of Tourism, conduct guided outdoor recreation leisure activities with an element of risk involved, eg. abseiling, hiking, mountain climbing, etc.


Adventure guides are a specialist type of tourist guide that might work for companies that organise events and trips. They might also be employed in recreational and tourism industries that offer once-off trips or events. Some adventure guides are freelance, and some are employed by one company.


People attend these programmes to experience accomplishment while enjoying the scenery. Some travel with clients while others are situated only at one site. Both types of guides have similar basic qualifications.


Normally adventure guides organize and conduct expeditions in the wilderness or operate a specific activity only (e.g. bungy jumping) for clients who want to have an extreme experience.


Guides are occupied with both technical and relational skills.

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